Sunday, August 05, 2007

Nobody Important: Google Earth Challenge – Where do you Work, Live and Play

Nobody Important: Google Earth Challenge – Where do you Work, Live and Play

JMB has posted her Google Earth Challenge. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. The maps for Vancouver are pretty amazing. It seems as if there are cliffs at the edge of the ocean. Also, you can see the silt that is washed into the ocean from the Fraser River. I thought Vancouver was much bigger than it seems to be (and it is a good thing that it is not huge!). There are huge green spaces there. Another example of the beauty and wise planning of Canada.

Be sure to go look at JMB's challenge. The Fraser River is very big and active. There are log booms to look at and you can even see snow on the huge mountains there (much taller than our Vermont mountains). JMB's commentary is very informative and interesting.

Be sure to visit the other people who have participated in this challenge!

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  1. Thank you for doing this meeyauw, it must be a lot of work for you. I am enjoying visiting the other people who accepted your challenge. It's great how we find all these interesting things out on the internet.
    Thanks also for your kind words.

  2. I think this is a great idea. I'm not going to play because I want to keep some identifying information about me off the net for professional and personal reasons. But I do think it is great.
    Thanks for keeping on visiting even though I've been off line a lot lately.
    Happy posting and reading.


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